Monday, February 16, 2009

Charlie Mac at the Hammond Organ, Part 3

I was able to buy a used "Leslie" speaker a couple of weeks ago to go with my vintage Hammond M-111. It's a Motion Sound Pro-3T, and it is essentially models the top rotor from a Leslie 147 (the bottom rotor is simulated). I wanted to shoot a little demonstration vid to show all my friends on the Organ Forum, who have been invaluable in helping me keep the ol' beast up and running (given all that can go wrong with these things, it's always a miracle that it starts up at all!). So here's a little "Midnight Hour," which shows again my limitations as an organist...oh well, I'll keep plugging away at it, and you all keep on rockin'!

Motion Sound Pro-3T


Who Am Us Anyway? said...

Cool is as cool does Mr. Mac! I love the sound and I dig your studio. And you must have a talented director of photography and sound working behind the camera too, because it's a sharp picture & excellent acoustics.

Charlie_Mac said...

Ya, that was my lovely wife workin' the pan and zoom there!