Wednesday, August 17, 2011


... do the Harlem Shuffle. Turns out that James, a co-worker and fellow DOLI Llamas bandmate, is also heavily into the Fabulous Flippers, an 8 piece show band known for their synchronized dance steps, out of Lawrence, Kansas, the first of its kind in the Midwest in the mid-'60's. While I was diggin' the band at the Cobblestone Ballroom in Storm Lake, IA and at the Roof Garden Ballroom in Arnold's Park, IA, he was also checkin' 'em out up here in the Twin Cities. The Fab Flips are still around, and just played in Marcus, IA on 8-13; James got to see them, I wasn't so fortunate. Here they are, now and back then, with their signature tune; enjoy, and keep on rockin'!


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