Today in rock history (well, technically, it was yesterday), in 1946, albino musician, Edgar Winter (the Edgar Winter Group), is born in Beaumont, TX. He, and his group, are best known for the '73 album "They Only Come Out At Night" containing the #1 hit instrumental "Frankenstein" and "Free Ride." And yes, he's Johnny's kid brother. When I got this album in the '70's I stared long and hard at the cover – not because Edgar was hot or anything – just because of its inherent strangeness. Here's Edgar bare chested, wearing a necklace and heavy makeup, with his hair blown back like a super model in a wind tunnel, with no explanation whatsoever as to what this had to do with the music contained therein. Perhaps I'm being too literal, and it don't mean a thang,'s still strange nevertheless. Let's enjoy a cut from the album; Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
We Gotta Go...
Na, Na, Na, Na…On this date in rock history, in 1963, "Louie Louie" by the Kingsmen peaks on the charts at #6. Oh yeah, yet another blog about the immortal “Louie, Louie,” so I’m not gonna go into too much detail, I’ll just leave you with probably the most famous film reference to this tune. Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
… there’s no Cuba, I wonder if you can? In the who’d a thunk it dept: Today in rock history, on the 20th anniversary of John Lennon’s murder in New York, a statue of Lennon is unveiled in Havana. Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, who severely criticized The Beatles in the ‘60s as ‘decadent’ now says Lennon was a ”revolutionary.” ‘nuff said – we still miss you John, RIP, and the rest of you, keep on rockin’!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I Really Wanna See You...
... but it takes so long... On this day in rock history, in 1970, George Harrison released "My Sweet Lord" in America. It wasn't released in the U.K. until January 15, 1971. Great song, but we all know what hot water George got into with this song's similarity to "He's So Fine." He went to court, paid his fine, and wrote "It's Only a Northern Song" in response to the court's ruling. Good thing nobody gives a rip about how much I steal from other artists when I write my songs...uh oh...I may have said too much! Enjoy the tune one more time, and keep on rockin'!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Cold Turkey...
... has got me on the run...Cold Turkey is what we're havin' today, for sure! Enjoy the post, please don't try to kick your drug habit today, and keep on rockin'!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
High School Kids...
… out on a lark…Since today is a pretty “blah” day in rock history (it’s true – there are days when not much of interest actually happened in rock history), it’s time to relive some of my own. The time is the Summer of 1968, the place is a gravel pit in rural Buena Vista county, IA, and yours truly is about to get in some real hot water with the local gendarmes, who apparently have nothing else to do but hassle teenagers on this hot August night. Wanna find out more about it? Check out this original song (the best inspiration for songwriting always comes from actual experience), but don’t believe everything you hear…
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Ain’t Nobody Here…
… but good people…today, in rock history, in 1944, Bonnie Bramlett, of Delaney and Bonnie, fame, is born in Alton, Il. She made history as the first Caucasian female to sing with Ike and Tina Turner as one of the "Ikettes". She eventually moved to Los Angeles, where she met fellow singer Delaney Bramlett in 1967 at a bowling alley gig for his band, The Shindogs (anybody else remember "Shindig?"). They were married within the week, teamed up to form Delaney and Bonnie and Friends (including Eric Clapton), and the rest is rock and roll history. While D&B&F disbanded in 1972, she is still recording and performing today, releasing “I’m Still the Same” in 2002 and appearing as a back-up singer for country artist Shooter Jennings in 2006. Let’s sample some vintage D&B&F, thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Isn't that Nice?
Today in Rock History, in 1944, Keith Emerson was born in Todmorgen, England. Best known for his work with Emerson, Lake and Palmer, he was also known for doing terrible things to a Hammond organ in his first band, the Nice (oh it breaks my heart, to see those stars, smashing a perfectly good – do I have to spell it out for you?) Further proof that Hammonds are truly indestructable. Check out this bit of mayhem, thanks to and, and keep on rockin'!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Laughter, Love and Music
Today in Rock History, in 1991, Bill Graham was killed in a helicopter crash near Vallejo, California, while returning home from a Huey Lewis and the News concert at the Concord Pavilion. Mr. Graham, aka Wolodia Grajonca, born in Berlin in 1931, was given the nickname Wolfgang by his family early in his life. He was a rock promoter, known for promoting San Francisco groups like the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane and booking them into his venues the Fillmore ballrooms and the Winterland ballroom, among others. If you’ve ever heard a recording entitled “Live at the Fillmore” or “Live at Winterland,” you have Bill Graham to thank for that excellent music. On November 3, 1991, a free concert called "Laughter, Love and Music" was held at Golden Gate Park to honor Graham, Gold and Kahn. An estimated 300,000 people attended to view many of the entertainment acts Graham had supported including Santana, Grateful Dead, John Fogerty, Robin Williams, Journey (reunited), and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (reunited). Graham is also remembered by the concert recordings owned by his estate, which can be accessed at Let’s check a vid from that historic concert, and celebrate ol’ Wolfgang’s life. Thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Gerry and the Beatles...
... er, The Beatmakers? Today, in rock history, in 1961: Although neither group has had any hits yet, the Beatles and Gerry & the Pacemakers unite to form a Liverpool supergroup, the Beatmakers, for a one-off show at Litherland Town Hall in England. Now that's a little bit of trivia I never knew - too bad there aren't any recordings that exist, so let's listen to some vintage recordings from both groups and image what could have been. If Gerry wears that Gibson any farther up on his chest, he's gonna gag on it; and notice the lack of audience reaction to Gerry and the boys - scattered applause, indeed! Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
In the White Room…
… with black curtains…Today in rock history, in 1968, Cream begins a farewell tour of the US with a concert at Oakland, CA, and hits the US chart for the third time with “White Room.” I was fortunate to attend one of the dates on this farewell tour, which was in October or November of 1968 (I forget the exact date) at the barn-like Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines, IA. While my memory of the concert is a bit hazy (could have been some chemicals involved, I don’t know), I do remember Clapton with his reverse-neck Gibson Firebird and a burned-out looking Ginger Baker launching into a frenzied version of “Toad.” Since my friends and I had tickets to this show, we became minor celebrities at our high school, prompting one girl to ask excitedly, “Are you going to see The Creams?” Yes, we did, and the rest is rock and roll history. Enjoy this tune from the tour, thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
We're Comin' to Your Town...
… we'll help you party it down...Today in rock history, in 1973, Grand Funk Railroad hits #1 with “We're An American Band.” I know I've posted this vid before, but, gotta do it again, the drum part on this tune is so fun to do, and we can always use “more cowbell.” Thanks to, for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tangled Up In Blue
It's "Covers Tuesday" here at WHABHB (like it? I just started right now!), and let's turn to the afore-mentioned Dylan tune, covered here by my former band, Whiskey and Rebellion. Nicely done, if I do say so myself, check it out, and keep on rockin'!
PS - this one's for you, Mr. Who!
PS - this one's for you, Mr. Who!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I hope I Die Before I Get Old…
… and his wish came true: On this date in rock history, in 1978, Keith Moon of the Who dies at the age of 32 of an overdose of the drug prescribed to control his alcoholism. A sidebar on the self-destructive behavior that led in part to Moon’s demise: On the 1973 Quadrophenia tour, at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California, Moon took a large mixture of horse tranquillizers and brandy. He passed out during "Won't Get Fooled Again" and again in "Magic Bus". Townshend asked the audience, "Can anyone play the drums? – I mean somebody good". An audience member, Scot Halpin, filled in for the rest of the show. Geeze – I wish I would have been there – I would have given them what for! Ah Moonie, we hardly knew ya! See the whole story here, and thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Take a Load Off Fanny...
... take a load for free. Today in rock history, in 1969, Bob Dylan receives 38,000 pounds sterling for a one hour performance at the Isle of Wight Festival, backed up by the Band. This would be about $76,000 in today's dollars, depending upon the exchange rate, and that ain't hay! Let's enjoy a vid from that performance (the camera operator didn't seem to get that the drummer was the lead vocalist, and never gave ol' Levon much screen time at all), thanks to, and keep on rockin!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I Was Born a Ramblin' Man
... tryin' to make a livin', doin' the best I can...On this date in rock history, in 1973, Allman Brother Butch Trucks breaks his leg in an auto accident in Macon, Georgia, only yards from the spot where Duane Allman was killed two years earlier. Jeeze! You’d think they’d put up a big sign there saying “This is a Bad Place” and then they would all stay the hell away from it. Oh well, I guess they were all born to ramble – what can ya do? Thanks to, Enjoy the vid, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
... do the Harlem Shuffle. Turns out that James, a co-worker and fellow DOLI Llamas bandmate, is also heavily into the Fabulous Flippers, an 8 piece show band known for their synchronized dance steps, out of Lawrence, Kansas, the first of its kind in the Midwest in the mid-'60's. While I was diggin' the band at the Cobblestone Ballroom in Storm Lake, IA and at the Roof Garden Ballroom in Arnold's Park, IA, he was also checkin' 'em out up here in the Twin Cities. The Fab Flips are still around, and just played in Marcus, IA on 8-13; James got to see them, I wasn't so fortunate. Here they are, now and back then, with their signature tune; enjoy, and keep on rockin'!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I'm a Road Runner, Baby!
Today in rock history, in 1963, the first annual Richmond Jazz and Blues Festival opens with Rolling Stones. Well, I don’t know about the jazz part, but back in the day, the Stones were certainly more of an R&B group than anything else. And what a great blues band they could have been, with Jagger's harp and vocals, Brian Jones on rhythm and Keef on the amazing 5-string Tele! Let’s enjoy some early Stones (a rare version of "(I'm A) Road Runner)", and reflect on what could have been. Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
If You Really Want to Know Our Views…
… your haven’t done nothing…Today in Rock History, in 1974,Stevie Wonder hit the US chart with 'You Haven't Done Nothing', featuring the Jackson 5 and dedicated to Richard Nixon. Since this is a double negative, since he hasn't done nothing, does this mean that Tricky Dick actually did something? Double negative aside, I will re-dedicate this song to the 2011 Minnesota State Legislature…let’s do better next year, and BTW, keep on rockin’!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Live from the Windsor Bar...
... it's NON last Saturday Night! Mr. Whoamus, this one's for you...wish you could have been there (how far is S B from Barnes, WI, anyway?). Enjoy the vid, and keep on rockin'!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Gotta deal with the devil...
'cause you know that it's real, Done a deal with the devil, From a heart made of steel... Perhaps the lyrics to this Judas Priest song may be appropriate for the deal just made today to end the Minnesota budget standoff, as it sounds like a deal with the devil to me...but, at any rate, I'll be back at work next week but rockin' this weekend as North of Nowhere plays the Windsor Bar in Barnes, WI...hope to see you there!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been
Today in Rock History, in 1941, Robert Hunter, lyricist for the Grateful Dead, is born in Arroyo Grande, California (my brother’s current address). The first lyrics he wrote for the Grateful Dead were composed while on LSD, and mailed to the band from Arizona: a suite that would later become "China Cat Sunflower"/"The Eleven" (these were originally performed together for a short time). "China Cat Sunflower" would later find a partner in "I Know You Rider". And it continues… Since the dissolution of the Grateful Dead in 1995 Hunter has successfully continued his writing career, working on new songs with Jim Lauderdale, Steve Kimock, David Nelson, and Rob Barraco, among others. He also is seen occasionally playing solo acoustic guitar and performing his classic works, as well as newer songs. In 2004 he opened most of The Dead's summer tour. Hunter co-wrote all but one of the songs on the 2009 Bob Dylan album Together Through Life. Happy 70th, Bob, and keep on truckin’! Thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Best Things in Life Are Free...
... but not this organ. As many of my constant readers know, I'm a big fan of that vintage Hammond organ sound. To that end, in the past I acquired two vintage organs for free I've been playing around on. The problem is getting that great sound out to the gig without getting a hernia in the process - these beasts weight 250# and up. To remedy that issue, I bought a "chopped" Hammond M2 from Ed, the keyboard player in local blues band Curtis and the Kicks (, for the princely sum of $100. A chopped organ has had most of its cabinet removed to save weight and space. As you'll see from the pics, this organ has been kicked around some. Ed told me this organ (the first one he ever owned) has been dropped down a flight of stairs, had beer poured on it, knocked off the stage, etc., and still keeps on working; it's living proof of the engineering that went in to these organs and that these old Hammonds are bullet-proof. I'd like to think that each nick, scratch and ruined corner has a story to tell (it has the chords to "Smoke on the Water" scratched into the cabinet, for God's sake!), so I'm not gonna pretty it up too much. It's just a basic spinet, 44 keys and 17 drawbars to color the tone - no power amp, vibrato, percussion, etc, but it still puts out great sound. And the sound I'm talking about is raw, bass heavy, overdriven - kind of like the Hammond sound in this Kingsmen record. It's a good thing they're lip-syncing to the original recording, as in concert they tended to use a Vox Continental, which is a poor substitute for the Hammond C3 shown in this video. Thanks again to Ed for the organ, and keep on rockin'!

Not too much "under the hood" here...

Been kicked around some...

... Still plays great (home made "Leslie" speaker switch shown at left)!
Not too much "under the hood" here...
Been kicked around some...
... Still plays great (home made "Leslie" speaker switch shown at left)!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Pride of Ohio
Friday last I was killin' time at my favorite St Paul blues club, Wilebski's (, waiting to pick up my son from a "rave" in Minneapolis. On stage was the Eric Jerardi Band (, fronted by Eric, a blues-rock guitarist and vocalist from Dayton, Ohio. I wasn't prepared to blown away by Eric's gritty guitar work and vocals. A hard workin' bluesman with 6 CD's to his credit, he and his band epitomizes what it's like to be in a mid-level combo, workin' for a livin' and surviving in a traveling band (the next day they needed to be in Quincy, Il, so they were going to be driving all night). While his original tunes were excellent, it was his covers that blew me away - he out-Paged Jimmy Page on "Good Times, Bad Times," out-Santana'd Santana on "Black Magic Woman," and out-Trowered Robin Trower on "Too Rolling Stoned." And I gotta give a shout-out to his drummer for the fantastic solo he did on "Manic Depression." So, along with Crissie Hynde, he is truly one of Ohio's finest. Keep on rockin', and be sure to see them when they come to your town...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I Went Down to the Crossroads...
... fell down on my knees...Today in rock history, in 1937, was Robert Johnson's second and final recording session. If you were a fly on the wall, you might have heard this tune...spooky stuff! Keep on rockin'!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
He Was Born in Hibbing...
... up on the Iron Range...happy birthday to Bob Dylan, who is 70 today, still rockin', still filling big halls everywhere, still writing and recording...check out my tribute to Mr. Zimmerman, a song I wrote called "Talkin' Bob Dylan Blues," performed here live at the Slide on Inn (my cousin's basement), Kansas City, MO, 2008...(a couple of minutes of it anyway). BTW, I did check with Mr. Whoamus, everyman's Dylan authority, for historical accuracy, and got a thumbs up (I did take a little bit of poetic license, but, hey, it's gotta rhyme...).
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
When You're Lost in the Rain in Juarez...
... and it's Easter time too...I want to announce the return of North of Nowhere to the Ugly Mug, Farmington, MN, this Saturday, 5-21, 8 to 11 PM. This band hasn't played the Mug since 5-15-09, so it is a long-awaited return engagement. We'll be playing this tune, and lots of others, so come on out - and don't forget to keep on rockin!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Shut up and ...
... well, you know what to do! On this date in 1981, Frank Zappa releases four albums in one day: 'Tinseltown Rebellion' (a double album), 'Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar,' 'Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar Some More,' and 'Return of the Son of Shut Up ‘N’ Play Your Guitar.” It’s a Frank Zappa tour de force! I’ve often been told this very thing, mainly since I can’t sing – can’t play the guitar very well either, but that’s beside the point. Let’s enjoy some vintage Frank, thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Still Dead...
... still drummin'... can't believe it's been 40 years now since Kent State. Here's another version of that seminal CSNY song "Ohio;" (I'll apologize in advance for the ad) RIP Kent State 4. Thanks to Kent_State_shootings, and keep on rockin'!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
It's a crime. Share it fairly. But don't take a slice of my pie. On this date in 1973, “Dark Side of the Moon” tops US LP chart for one week for Pink Floyd before going on to become longest-running US chart LP of all time. I'll bet that album is STILL on the charts...Here's that great ode to capitalism in 7/4 time, one more time...
Thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Thrill is Gone...
... gone away from me. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the demise of my blues band, Aces Wild Rockin' Blues Revue. Ace has had to leave the band for health reasons, and I think our guitarist has also left to pursue other projects. For me, Aces Wild just isn't the band I'd want it to be without Ace, so I'm movin' on as well. So enjoy the vid of the band taken in December... I've still got two other bands to enjoy, so I will keep on rockin'!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Imitation is...
… the sincerest form of flattery… or not. Today in rock history, in 1963, "Surfin' U.S.A.," the Beach Boys' thinly veiled rewrite of "Sweet Little Sixteen," enters the Top 40 at a time when Chuck Berry is serving a term in a federal penitentiary for violating the Mann Act. Berry later sues for and receives a co-writing credit on "Surfin' U.S.A." Well, excuuuse me! It’s well known in rock and roll music (and just about everywhere else) that everybody steals from everybody else –for example, I have been known to lift all of my chord progressions for my tunes from Buddy Holly, but then again, I need all the help I can get! Let’s listen to the two back to back and you be the judge! Check out all that (what is now vintage) tweed Fender equipment used by the Beach Boys...and, Chuck Berry with a clarinet solo? Crazy, man! Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
A Well Respected Man...
Today in rock history, in 1969, Pete Quaife (12/31/43-06/23/2010) leaves the Kinks, to be replaced by John 'Nobby' Dalton... and speaking of the Kinks, according to my trusty May issue of Mojo Magazine, there's big Kinks doin's this year - this year seven Kinks LP's get the deluxe reissue treatment and Ray Davies is scheduled to curate the "Meltdown Festival" at London's South Bank on 6 June, opening up the possibility of live Meltdown performances by the Kinks; but Ray and Dave will have to reconcile before could happen...stay tuned. In the meantime, enjoy this timeless Kinks classic. Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Listen to the Music...
... or not. Today in rock history, in 1982, Doobie Brothers announce their breakup (for the next five years). Well, it only seemed like 3 or 4 years. Here's some rare Doobie Bros. footage from 1975. Dust off those bell bottoms and boots and enjoy! Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Ain't No Cure...
… for the Summertime Blues... Today in rock history, in 1968, The Blue Cheer hits #14 with their crude, loud and feedback-laced cover of Eddie Cochran's 1958 hit "Summertime Blues." Back in high school, I was both fascinated and repelled by this rude, crude, loud, early version of an '80's hair band...but ya gotta admit, it's a great version of this tune...Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Friday, March 18, 2011
What can a poor boy do...
... except sing for a rock and roll band? Today in rock history, in 1965, the Rolling Stones earn their 'Bad Boy' reputation when the group members are fined £5 each for urinating in front of a public filling station after a concert in Essex. Probably not a big deal these days (if you've ever pissed on a dumpster when the bars are closed after a long night of bar-hopping, you know what I mean), but a major scandal apparently in jolly old England in '65. Let's play something fittingly bad boy-ish, then...Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Just got to have...
... 'bout a half a million framed autographs. On this date in rock and roll history, in 1958. Chuck Berry's Sweet Little Sixteen is US R&B No. 1. Let's hear it for everyone's favorite high school rock and roller. "If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'". John Lennon - 'nuff said... Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin'!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Makes No Sense Dept.
Today in rock history, in 1988, The album 'Jazz from Hell' wins Frank Zappa a Grammy for Best Rock Instrumental. I’ve always thought that the Grammy’s were just a little out of touch with reality, and here’s proof – if you think this song “G-Spot Tornado” is a “rock instrumental", you’re…well, crazy… This song, assumed by Zappa to be impossible to play by humans, would be performed by Ensemble Modern on the concert recording "The Yellow Shark." The track ends in nearly two minutes of applause. Another bit of trivia: Although an instrumental album, the Fred Meyer chain of stores sold "Jazz from Hell" in their Music Market department featuring an RIAA Parental Advisory sticker, which is most likely the result of his feud with the PMRC, or due to American objections to the use of the word "hell.” Oookayyy then…check out the video here, thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin’, in an advant garde way!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Nobody Loves Me...
... Like My Baby...if you come out to the Minneapolis Eagles Club tonight and hear Aces Wild, you'll hear us attempt this great new Tommy Castro song (among many others). Check out Tommy's version here, and keep on rockin'!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
And the Beat Goes On ...
… or not (at least that's what it says on his tombstone). Today in rock history, in 1935, Salvatore Phillip “Sonny” Bono was born in Detroit, MI. Hard to believe that ol' Sonny, who was 33 years away from his appointment with the big tree on the slopes of Lake Tahoe in 1998, was the big three-oh back in 1965 when “I Got You Babe” hit #1. Other little know facts about Sonny include: 1) He was a high school dropout 2) Born a Catholic, he was really a secret Scientologist 3) He was a champion of the Salton Sea and there is a park there named in his honor. Let's check out “And the Beat Goes On” one more time to celebrate his life, and keep on rockin'! Thanks to and for the info.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Moose is Loose!
Today I'd like to give credit to my new favorite band, the Mooseknuckle Brothers Blues Band, out of Elk River, MN. I've had a chance to jam with these guys a couple times in the past week, and they are just a bunch of top-notch players and good guys to boot! Rumor has it that they've got a CD of original music in the works (Ace, our sax player, is going to contribute some wailin' sax to a couple of their tunes), so stay tuned to!/mooseknucklebros for the release, enjoy this vid of the boys playing "The Sky is Crying" at the Hydrant back last May, a shout out to Brothers Shannon and Todd, and keep on rockin'!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
That’ll be the Day…
… actually, it was "The Day the Music Died." On this date in 1979, a commemorative concert is held at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa, exactly 20 years after the final show played by Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. Del Shannon and the Drifters are among the performers. Here's local Mpls faves the Whitesidewalls, who had performed at the 1979 concert, rippin' it up in 2009 with "Peggy Sue." Thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Hitching Lifts to Nowhere...
… hung up on the paper sun.... Today in rock history, in 2005, Traffic’s Jim Capaldi, born Nicola James Capaldi on 8-2-44, died after a brief battle with stomach cancer. Capaldi wrote the lyrics for Traffic's first single "Paper Sun", which appeared in the UK singles chart at number 5 in summer 1967. Let’s enjoy the “music video” for “Paper Sun,” and celebrate the life of Jim Capaldi, another sad story of a ‘60’s rock musician gone too soon, but not forgotten. Thanks to and for the info, and keep on rockin’!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
"Ask not..."
... what the Blues can do for you, ask what you can do for the Blues." Well, that's not exactly what he said, but you get the idea, if you're a blues fan. Today marks the 50th anniversary of JFK's inauguration, and, just out of curiosity, let's see what blues songs were popular in 1961 - ah, here is "Hit the Road, Jack," by Ray Charles, which hit #1 on the Billboard charts on 10-9-61. Thanks to for the info, check out the video here, and keep on rockin', with some social responsibility, just like JFK would have wanted!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Make a Joyful Noise...
Today in rock history, in 1965, NBC's “Hullabaloo" was first aired. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “hullabaloo” as “a confused noise; an uproar,” and that's exactly what it was at my house watching as a 14 year old. If you could get beyond the go-go girls, you did see some fine music, which is what my eager young ears were trying to pick up there in rural northwest Iowa – some sign of life beyond the farm...check out the Byrds here from 5-11-65 (dig the crazy bird house background), thanks to for the info, and keep on rockin!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Today in rock history, in 1986, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers back up Bob Dylan on the first date of a world tour. The successful pairing will continue into the next year. I always thought that Tom and Bob could have had the same voice coach. Judge for yourself – enjoy this video from that tour (including special guest Stevie Nicks), and keep on rockin! Thanks to for the info.
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